Increase your chances of winning with our skilled representatives
Whether your condition has developed over time due to heavy lifting, carrying weighty loads, repetitive movements, or in an instant by an unfortunate turn of events such as a slip, trip, or fall, you should contact your elbow and shoulder injury attorney in Los Angeles to start the process of protecting your rights. In some cases, insurance companies may try using the dual nature of these conditions to their advantage to avoid paying what you’re legally entitled to.
This is why it’s of the utmost importance to react right away and report any pain or discomfort to your on-the-job supervisor or superior and seek medical care. This will serve as unshakable evidence of your predicament once the ball starts rolling on your workers’ compensation case. Lean on our seasoned shoulder and elbow injury lawyers and you’ll receive the right type of legal aid when you need it the most.
Let our shoulder & elbow injury attorneys in Los Angeles protect your rights
Recovery from this type of trauma can take quite some time since these parts of the body are regularly used in most professions, especially by workers who are employed in manufacturing or work manual jobs with a lot of repetitive movements. Rehabilitation usually lasts for months, with some people unable to return to work for the entire duration of recovery. In severe cases, individuals can become incapacitated, unable to perform their previous tasks, and may need to look for a different line of work.
Our principled professionals will fight for you tooth & nail
Were you struck down by an impairing injury that is endangering your ability to perform on the job and making your life hard to bear? If the answer is yes, keep in mind that the more you wait the worse the situation is likely to become. Call our elbow and shoulder injury lawyers in Los Angeles and protect your and your loved ones’ well-being before this whole episode starts having a negative impact on your family dynamic. Don’t let yourself become despondent, lose self-esteem, or fall under the spell of depression or anxiety.
Be in the know from the get-go
If you’ve missed a lot of working days in Los Angeles, spent a lot of money on various medical treatments, or your rehabilitation lasts longer than you expected, don’t wait a minute more to contact our shoulder and elbow injury attorneys. With ample experience in handling these types of cases, we know how you feel and more importantly exactly what your next step should be. Your future is at stake so act now and reach out to us today!