Personal injury

Knowing your rights is the first step on the road to justice

Although cases of personal injury are an everyday occurrence, not all injured parties get their claims compensated. Convoluted legal terminology and jargon, intricate and elaborate state laws and legal practices, and aggressive and intimidating insurance companies are some of the reasons why people shy away from fighting for what they are entitled to under the law.

Our resourceful personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles have the essential know-how that is needed to get your case off the ground. Gathering as much information as possible and writing a bulletproof claim will put your case on a solid legal footing and enable you to go for the maximum settlement possible.

Don’t risk your benefits by going at it alone

The biggest difference between work comp cases and personal injury in Los Angeles is that your attorney has to provide evidence that you were harmed due to other peoples’ malpractice or negligence. This is where having a strong-willed and thorough legal representative staking your claim really makes the difference. Whether your case is straightforward or you’ll have to go to court, our legal team will have you well-informed and thoroughly prepared for every possible outcome.

Don’t let the trauma of injury impact your decision making

Having to deal with a personal injury can be a life-changing event. Besides being a hit to the budget due to various medical costs and lost workdays, injuries bring emotional strain associated with changes in everyday rhythm. All of this can become too much to handle for some people and they may look at fighting for their rights as a daunting task they can’t deal with.

Some people may lose their ability to move around freely, socialize, or spend quality time with their loved ones, while others may need continuous medical treatment in the form of counseling or some type of physical therapy. These abrupt changes to their everyday lives may result in them becoming dejected or developing mental health issues like anxiety and depression that require professional help. With our team of proven and motivated personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles, you’ll have the best chance of getting what you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in a personal injury claim?

Personal injury claims are made on behalf of people who were hurt in an accident that was someone else’s fault. Most cases are caused by negligence and malpractice. Unlike workers comp claims, in these cases, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff who needs to show that their injuries were the direct cause of another person’s actions.

What will your personal injury lawyer do?

Having the right person in your corner to provide mental support, professional assistance, and legal prowess will enable you to take care of the recovery and go through the entire process in an orderly and pain-free way. If you were injured by someone in Los Angeles, get in touch with your personal injury attorney and he will:

  • Assess the extent of your injuries
  • Arrange the appropriate medical care
  • Inform you of your rights
  • Work out who is responsible for your grievance
  • Gather all the available evidence
  • Track down and talk to the witnesses
  • Review existing insurance policies
  • Work out a desired compensation amount.
  • Send demand letters
  • Prepare for the litigation process
  • Represent you in court

How long does a personal injury claim usually take?

It’s hard to offer an accurate estimate since there are many aspects to each claim and every case is different. If your case isn’t disputed, your injury claim may be over in 6 to 12 months. However, more complicated cases usually last more than a year and in some cases may take a couple of years to settle.

Who pays for a personal injury claim?

An individual who is responsible for the accident rarely pays out of their own pocket. If you find yourself involved in a legal battle to claim injury damages in Los Angeles, you and your personal injury lawyer will most likely get pitted against a large insurance company. Insurance companies receive monthly payments that enable them to set funds aside so they can compensate for personal injury claims.

Where can I find proven and feared personal injury lawyers near me in Los Angeles?

Here at the Workers’ Compensation Attorney Group, we understand how confusing and devastating it can be to navigate through challenging and at times murky legal waters. Whether you need a methodical personal injury attorney or committed and professional help with your work comp claim, our assertive personnel have the requisite expertise to guide you all to victory.

We’ll hook you up with the appropriate care, organize an independent medical review, meticulously plan every step, prep you for court appearances, and keep you up to date with all the developments. With us by your side, you’ll be free to take your mind off of the proceedings and visit the Getty Museum or have a relaxing time at the Hollywood Boulevard. Call for a free consultation today!