Seasoned Knee/Ankle/Foot Injury Lawyers in Los Angeles, CA

Reap the benefits of determined legal representatives

If you’ve had the misfortune of suffering an accident that has caused damage to your leg and rendered you unable to work, you should get in touch with our ankle, knee, and foot injury attorneys to file a claim. Leg wounds, cuts, and tears are one of the most common hazards at workplaces in Los Angeles. They are mostly mild but can result in serious problems that can cause great pain and even permanent impairment. The best thing you can do in these cases is to contact your trusted counselor to explore your options.

Learn what our foot/knee/ankle injury attorneys can do for you

Having trouble with your legs can turn going to work into an ordeal, to say nothing of the impossibility of fulfilling your daily assignments. In some cases, people tend to underestimate the true extent of their predicament, thinking that things will get better in a day or two. However, once they realize that they are losing a significant amount of work, it may be too late to react. By acting early, you’ll give your foot, ankle, or knee injury lawyer in Los Angeles enough time to collect evidence and build a strong case.

Dynamic legal office in Los Angeles at your service

Most accidents that result in leg trauma are caused by accidental slips, trips, and falls that happen in an instant. These are mostly the result of other people’s negligence and unsafe workplace conditions. Another common issue with leg-related problems is that they can arise over time due to repetitive movements or heavy loads. Sometimes they require physical therapy or complicated and expensive surgical procedures to deal with the problem. In both of these cases, you are advised to hire a committed and skilled knee, foot, and ankle injury attorney to recoup your medical expenses and get the recompense you deserve.

Don’t enter the legal ring without our imposing counselor

Individuals our ankle, foot, and knee injury lawyers represent are normal, everyday people who’ve suffered workplace misfortune or were victims of other people’s carelessness. At Workers’ Compensation Attorney Group in Los Angeles, we rely on experience, professionalism, and a ruthless dedication to help our clients reach justice and improve their lives. Let us take care of the entire process, from documentation, evidence gathering, and legal counseling to compiling a claim and getting you prepared for all eventualities. We’re here to protect your best interest, contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my foot injury is serious?

A big problem with this type of trauma is that people try to shake it off and pretend like nothing happened. In some cases, this is understandable since people want to avoid losing money by staying away from work. However, you may regret it if you decide to wait too long. If you feel any of these things, contact our foot injury lawyers in Los Angeles and we’ll provide prompt medical attention.

  • Severe pain that won’t go away
  • Your foot is misshapen after an accident
  • You have trouble stopping bleeding
  • There are visible lacerations or gushes
  • Your joints don’t work normally
  • It hurts when you try putting weight on it
  • You have large open wounds
  • There is swelling or bruising
  • Your foot is icy cold and pale, or blue.

Should I work with an ankle injury?

In some cases, you may have trouble working for a day or two since these types of sprains are usually mild and tend to go away quickly. However, certain professions, including drivers, food deliverers, cleaning technicians, and tourist guides will have a hard time going about their job.

With a bit of ice treatment and rest, mild sprains usually heal in a month or so, while more serious injuries may take up to six months. Either way, it’s imperative that you call your ankle injury attorney in Los Angeles to get the medical care you need and start the work comp process.

Do knee injuries qualify for disability?

These types of injuries can be very traumatic and leave lasting consequences. Permanent damage to various parts of the knee can leave people unable to work for a long time and in some cases incapacitated for life. As such, they qualify for a disability. Get in touch with your knee injury lawyer and set up a doctor’s appointment to determine whether your predicament falls under the short- or long-term disability.

How long can you be on workers comp in California?

California doesn’t place time limits on how long employees within the state can receive medical benefits. In general, as long as there is a medical necessity, workers will receive treatment for their job-related injuries and illnesses.

Where can I find the leading ankle, knee & foot injury attorneys near me in Los Angeles, CA?

When we say we’re ready to put our money where our mouth is, we mean it! Since we understand how challenging this whole period is for you and your family, we’ll take the risk off of your back so if we don’t win your case, you won’t be charged a dime.

Whether you’re located around Sepulveda Boulevard or in the vicinity of Angels Flight, we are your go-to legal team if you need:

Avoid being anybody’s scapegoat and call our ruthless but honest team to your rescue. Contact us today!